Thursday, 16 November 2006

The noise was hurting me. So I stopped it. Now that I could focus, I started looking around me. When the bison appeared in front of me, I got petrified. Then, he stopped. He took out his glasses from his pocket, which was weird, because he didnt have a pocket to take out his glasses from. (!) I asked him how he felt about the way things turned out. He was obviously in a good mood and said he liked chicken. Then , he started to laugh. As his belly started to shake, i realized i had to kill him before everything became harder. Looking at the glass between us, I couldnt believe I could. He got his chicken and ate it. I saw him, rather amused, and who wouldn’t be, seeing a bison with glasses eating chicken. . As he saw the bird fly out the window, he jumped out. He probably never knew what happened.
They asked me to speak.
I didn’t want to. I had my work. But I did. I spoke about everything we did, and everything we didnt do, and by the time the end came, I was pleased with myself, not just pleased with myself, but proud. And it felt so nice. Till everything ended. And the noise started.

1 comment:

Shalmi said...

this is brilliant. i mean that. very hojoborola only in happens to me everyday, that noise in the head.....only i dont know how to write about it.